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The Story

Homeless people would not be homeless and beggars, if they had jobs. Nobody wants to hire homeless people. They have been outcast at some point and don't get the chance to get back on their feet. They have had jobs, homes, families. Not anymore. They keep crawling like babies and can't do anything about it. The decision, whether anyone should be blamed for a bad habit, decision or a bad faith should not be ours to take. We are all human and we all make mistakes. Many might repent their past and still not being given a second chance. Many might not have met tolerant, loving, caring people to support them. Many might have gone through dramas, many might have been defenestrated and many might not have had the strength to fight back. That doesn't make them less human than the others.


We are the ones who will help them.

Buy and know that you too help supporting this project.


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